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Day 362: Just Going to Curl Up at My Desk Watching Mad Men

28 Dec

Today it’s back to work after a 2-week break–not because I needed all that extra time to enjoy the holidays, but because I’ve been run down by a monster virus. To be honest, I could have used another week to recuperate.


Today, write about a character who’s been–naturally or unnaturally–sapped of his/her energy, and how that affects the character’s daily activities.

Day 343: Way Back When

9 Dec

Choose a character you’ve been working on, and write about what he or she was like ten years ago.

Day 333: Back to the Grind

29 Nov

Write about a character who’s having The Longest Day Ever upon returning to work from a long weekend or extended vacation.

Day 325: And It’s Never One You Know All the Words To

21 Nov

Write about a character who is going about his/her day with an annoying song (or just the chorus) stuck in his/her head.

Day 321: Like a Disney Movie

17 Nov

Write from the POV of talking animals.

Day 320: Wee Wee Wee Wee All the Way Home

16 Nov

Write about a character who feels homesick.

Day 301: Guys and Dolls

28 Oct

In honor of the client who showed up at my job this morning in an honest to God zoot suit, today write about a character with questionable sartorial proclivities.

Day 295: High School Reunion

23 Oct

Today, write about someone you knew when you were sixteen.

Day 294: Body Language

22 Oct

Today, write about a child performing an activity that requires some physical dexterity: making a pbj, planting a flower. Then write about that same character performing that same activity–seventy years later.

Day 285: Gender Bending

13 Oct

Today, take the opening scene of whatever you’re working on and rewrite it–swapping the gender of your main character. Does it change the entire story? Or very little at all?